The dedications of animals to the altar and the sacrificial killings which have long been offered, have been in former times, utilizing the animal as an intermediary once again. Entrail readings are a demonic practice requiring that the point of death become the unction for the message to be conveyed from entity to person; working in a way not dissimilar to the above inasmuch as the creature involved is impressionable to the wilfulness thus conveyed in its physical being. But the forces released, into and out of the blood, into and out of the astrality of the creature, into and out of the demon and man also - these forces set in play, are without those influences of nurturing love as mentioned earlier - running opposite and contrary to any such regard - and therefore are most dangerous to the man who may be involved.
Temple sacrifices were usually maintained in ways which strictly controlled the hour and operandum of the slaying. It was believed (with reason, for it was perceived also), that man could communicate with the lesser gods with such dedications of death, transporting a wish or a pledge through to the spiritual worlds. It did in fact, create a definable statement, which once imparted hung with a stern reality of permanence until addressed.
If a man knew this craft, which was at one time an accepted form of powerful prayer, he could witness manifestations coming out from the expiring ethers surrounding the carcass, with visions unfurling of futuristic events as supplied to him from the attending beings whose presence he had called for. However the actions of clairvoyance have since changed, and although by our standards today we may find procedures such as this, most deplorable and corruptive, we may give respect to the issues of the past when it was moreover an acceptable endeavour to manage thus.