Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Occultist, Esotericist, & Mystic

The occult perspective studies and implicates principles and powers which comprise the underpinning realities (also manifest in the physical existence). It enters into the dynamics of influence, the correspondence and conjoining of powers (contrary or sympathetic) and it comprehends the greater and lesser cosmology in operation throughout its many examples.

Being a science it is plain and not given to opinion, when studied or presented as is. Although the observation of consequences plays an integral part in the science of occultism, there is no means through it alone to arrive at a further knowledge of that which is being studied. There can be a materialistic approach and overview to the machinations of law, invocation and consequence. Also there can be but a maze of detail, yet not the kernel of discernment provided - neither the wherewithal to know pertinence, aptness or distinction.

Esotericism seeks out the planes of the soul and spirit and knows them as the foremost reality:

  • determining, preferring, weighing, perceiving the beauteous characteristics;
  • being able to spiral inwardly to the core of a truth and travel further again;
  • understanding the hidden factors present;
  • accounting for those things which make all other things different and outstanding;
  • appreciating the presence of the Holy Power in Persona,
  • coming to significance, rather than by being adrift in fact.

In Occultism one can put a name to a Master so that he is:
  1. known for who he has been historically, or
  2. is known as who he is best representing currently.
Representing as such, is not out-and-out forgery, for many teachers have had a Great One envelop their persona with properties passed on and assumed to the extent that the emanatory forces are almost coincidental. In this way we can have one hundred Master Jesuses on any given sphere, all cooperating with the essential soul who has them organized. (The number 'one hundred' here is an extreme example of possibility, whereas in fact there is seldom more than just the one.)

From the esoteric perspective we may look to a Master and have with him the associative impression (knowing his signatory feeling inspired within his presence), realizing that his true name is only known to himself and all other names are borrowed or spent, but inaccurate anyway.


Here is an old joke as they say, but a good one! In short it goes:

Q. What do you call an occultist who loses his love for this world?
A. A mystic.
Q. What do you call a mystic who loses his love for this world?
A. An occultist!

We set about to find what the consequence would be for an occultist who went about his life without such empathetic and inspired loves in this World; if his activity within the world was humorless and tiresome, if his body became a burden, if his knowing was self-interested and self-based only, if his seeking was seeded by not the love of the subject but rather too his love of self excluding all but God - what would you have? You would have a mystic!

Conversely, what would you have if you had a mystic who did not seek the greater consciousness but preferred to narrow down his own; if his love shared was abstract conjecture and his sense of universality not a living reality but rather an intellectual fundamental? You would have an occultist!

Sadly, such converse patterns can occur. As undignified as the above remarks may appear, it is nonetheless a phenomenon of sorts to be observed in many good folk who do begin quite splendidly and yet result with an uncanny over-balancing from one tendency, towards impulse and fall into another!

With both individuals it can well begin by a form of 'self-lessness' and unselfishness, which deters the men in question to seldom partake in that which brings them real joy. Both the ascetic and the scientist can believe that they are putting their ideals into being by living out day-to-day with a romantic, yet distant worship of the ideal of such love, denying however, their own liberties of expression. The result which comes is but a premature death of either soul or ego or both. For without a loving connection in the world the faculties and conjunctures eventually will withdraw and seek a connection elsewhere.

The properties of the mystic who loves within this World brings to the World an enhanced consciousness in toto. Men need a certain requisite of happiness in order to cherish their life and its greater Principle.

The occultist who successfully loves within this world brings in the future for all men. This same love will transpire into a reasonable knowledge, one that can be worked a'further, and brought into its usefulness by its empathetic answers to the needs. We need qualify the world with both occupations for the Kingdom, for herein we have the soul and ego of Man then best represented - the containment and the activity; the spirit of the past and the spirit of new life to come, learning from each other the hidden and mystical ways of both.


Quotes from:

The Arterial Objective of the Work

The Greater & Lesser Principles

1 comment:

  1. Essence and essential derive from a Latin root. Since a lot of Latin is derived from Greek it is not difficult to imagine that the Greek es/eis -"into"eso- "within" is the original source for the Latin.
