You are no orphan, for Your Heavenly Father stands beside You - and we,
in this grand order and family so tied, seek your Grace and
supplication throughout the ways here and beyond.
Soul of all souls, You know us completely - we ask that your goodness
become apparent within our actions - that permeate our thinking, our
willing and our feeling - that You are reborn in every moment that lives
in the lives of men.
Dear Christ, Your very Presence brings the healing that is prayed for -
and the Peace. Across the seas from life to new life, you carry us so.
Along the plains of the ordinary to the hilltops of the extraordinary,
you lift our souls. From the fires to still waters, our intimacy grows.
Luminescent in the most depressed of dark spaces, there is no place You
cannot permeate and light. The immorality of fear dissolves where You
go, and its treacherous mistruths also. No lie survives around you,
hatreds dissipate, serpents lose their teeth.
Christ knows us. To a soul that sees our Spiritual Science in the true light, to a heart that feels it in its true significance, I can impart no more esoteric saying: The Christ is seeing us. - Rudolf Steiner