Saturday, March 07, 2020

Prophecy- The Definitive Decision- 1999

Globally there are tensions everywhere. These tensions currently are not the usual 'hold in place', 'in relation to' tensions, they are the kind which act as precursors to change. Some people are sensitive to the enormity of their influence about us, and it can be psychically painful to feel this 'building up' occurring all around us. Although folk express this in terms of physical cataclysms, it comes primarily out from the wrestling influences straining our spiritual environments moreover. We may translate this into an idea that a volcano will erupt or an earthquake split the earth, but it is indicative of much more than just evacuative responses. This is a time of confrontation, of choice, and of definite decision.

Gates open and gates close. Men are offered gifts, and some will have them. This is an exciting period, but one which requires a wakefulness, an earnestness, a virility and an intent. The next four centuries to come are going to ingest every soul who has ever incarnated formerly within mainstream humanity. The traffic therefore will be much greater than is usual (approximately seven times in number) (this also is accounting for the souls which are held back and those which rarely incarnate as well). It also means that there may be a concurrence of brief spans (born and dying again - only capable of shorter lives).

Those of you who have connected directly with us at present will probably not be called back again during this crucial time. The definitive decision shall be made this lifetime and will carry you on from that. Others who are vague or inconstant may represent themselves again in the next four hundred-year session, however very soon (within the next twenty years) [2020] this opportunity for return shall not be open. So for many, the quality of their spiritual lives and commitment to humanity is vital at this point from now on.

What of this decision to which we refer? The decision is a formal statement of soul that will qualify the individual for future residence amongst his global community. Literally speaking it is the decision to receive Christ (and therefore receive the whole world) into their being, wholeheartedly, unreservedly and with dedication. (Dedicating your life back to Father God requires that you acknowledge that it is His Life in you, firstly.)

Preparing for this decision has taken most all of their known humanhood. The acceleration of time as it presses upon the individuals, is awkward because there are those who are not ready. On the other hand there are associated beings (from the animal kingdom and devic kingdom) who already are given to this love and work for the world and have won their Christhood thereby. It is not a matter of brightness, naming Christ by name (rather naming Him in heart), or of evolutionary development alone ... there are magicians on the dark path who have advanced to extraordinary lengths but know not the qualifying humors to bring them into the next Round ... for these times ahead are now to be selective, and communities will be divided therefrom.

So this is the 'busy time' for our detail, and we are too occupied to be awash with a sentimental melancholy for those who will depart from us ... instead we choose to project an optimistic gravity amongst our greatest of concerns.

We work in many ways with as many styles as there are available (providing they are useful of course) and privately address people all over. We have never viewed our criteria to be made generalized, i.e. given to public comment or display, yet fully support the individuals whose given work has been to do so. (Yes, my Dear, there are borders to Faerie Land.)

No, we do not assume the role of stewards on the Titanic as far as this forthcoming apocalypse implies! For when viewed in the spiritual context, of its true reality within these tensions and changes, men are becoming opened to virtue like never before. The past is moving out. The former self strains but will not resist the glorifying presence which it will become.

The 'clearing reaction' which will take place within the world is really very important to the souls who will remain. It is necessary that for a time (a very long time actually), that one community may advance out without the waylaying of the other. This significant period of review shall occur over one hundred and forty-four thousand revolutions ... 144,000 days and nights for the influx and uptake of every soul to be received (approximately the four centuries just up ahead of us, as aforementioned). There are four divisions to this time period, each consisting of thirty-six thousand days collectively (three lots of 12,000, times 4) in which representatives of humanity from all four sectors will be given their respective times for appeal.

All of the 'tribes' (signatories to particular ages) are thus sealed into this number and recalled into incarnation. They denote men from various evolutionary beginnings, whose predominant characteristics still caveat them. In a roundabout way this can be interpreted in degrees upon the Zodiac in its complete aspect traveled also. After the last day a new era upon this Earth shall then begin.

There are one hundred and forty-four thousand Bodhisattvas who stand guardian over each day and each night (one a piece), who have been luminaries for that sector of souls past-karmicly. Watchers and contributors to the evolution of Man, they now welcome each in with their presence hugging close to the Globe, and being apparently accessible for the length of the incarnation throughout. As the choir of Bodhisattvas assembles, until the culmination of the last and final elated luminary, there amassed amongst the peoples is also our Christ most fully adorned.

This spectacular may be viewed by any man from wherever he is in the Cosmos. As the Great Ones gather and the nebulae of joy accumulates in the Shining Ones, men will be drawn in heart and in consciousness to their World with its grand assembly. 

Although this reply appears to have little or no bearing on the question just asked, it is considerable to the activities in which we are involved in. Any collection of men who would work for the betterment of the spiritual condition of Mankind, without pride or favor, are immediately in resonance with the elders of their humanity. The network lives from heart to heart, conjoining each dear soul within the Great Heart from which all Life streams forth and indwells eternally.

The inner creed to love one another is supportive to each who subscribe. Each, who consciously admit the Light of the World within themselves have championed a place within that world to come.

-The Brothers 

1 comment:

  1. Michael's radiant rule will be followed by a dark, terrible age that starts about 2300. Together with Michael, a dark God has begun his rule — the God Mammon. For occultism Mammon isn't just the God of money. He's the leader of all base, black forces. And his hosts attack men's bodies and souls to corrode and ruin them. There's a lot of talk about bacterial today, and they influence a lot of things. In future they'll increase in a terrifying way, and many human bodies will waste away from terrible diseases and plagues. The brand of sin will be stamped on men's bodies for all to see. Another archangel — Oriphiel — will rule then. He must come to shake men up to their true vocation through terrible tortures. So that this can happen in the right way a small group of people must be prepared today to spread esoteric life in the black age 400–600 years from now.

    -Rudold Steiner
