Monday, September 27, 2021

Sacrificial Offering- Rudolf Steiner- March 13, 1923


Opferfeier text given by Rudolf Steiner March 13, 1923, for use in the upper two classes of the Stuttgart Waldorf school in response to their request for a service “similar to a mass”. He is said to have released it for use wherever it is wanted (also inwardly). Translation from GA 269 62-79 by James Gillen - Feb 18, 2011. Expanded directions in { }.
{Celebrant between two assistants face the altar – celebrant starts}

The Deeds of Christ on Golgotha
stand before our souls. 
The mood of consecration in our souls
manifest to us Christ’s Deeds on earth. 
The reverence of our souls
implore Christ’s Sacrifice for humanity. 
The veneration of our souls
impart to this offering circle
the experience of Christ’s Sacrifice for humanity. 

{after a pause the celebrant continues}

The Father-God be in us 
The Son-God create in us 
The Spirit-God enlighten us. 

{celebrant turns around to assembly} 

Christ in you

{right assistant responds}

and may He fill your spirit.

{celebrant faces altar, right assistant continues facing altar}

To dear Father-God
we turn our spirit. 
He weaves in the depths of worlds
He lives in our humanity.
we are all,
that we are
in His existence
through His power.

To the Son-God we turn
our soul. 

He prevails as eternal Word
in worlds-existence and in human beings
we are consoled
in our weakness
through His Strength,
in His Deed of Sacrifice.

To the Spirit-God we turn
our willing
He illumines our resolves
He capacitates our deeds.
we find strength
in our darkness
through His Light,
and power of soul through Him
as Spirit-Sun.

{left assistant prepares to read the Gospel facing altar}

My heart carry within it
consciousness of your Life
O Christ;
from my lips proceed
Your pure Word
O Christ.
 Your Grace enable me
 to speak Your Word
O Christ.

{left assistant turns to face assembly and reads the Gospel}

[Gospel reading]

{left assistant faces altar, celebrant continues facing the altar}

We lift up our soul
 to You, O Christ. 
Your Gospel
as pure Word,
expunge from our words
what is impure in them 

{celebrant turns around to assembly}

Christ in you

{right assistant answers}

and may He fill your spirit.

{Celebrant faces altar – both assistants continue facing altar}


{right assistant continues facing the altar}

To You, eternal Ground of Worlds,
weaving in the vastness of space
and in the far reaches of time
submit the holiest feelings
from your human offspring’s
votive hearts.
You see into the failings
of these hearts;
so may there also ray out to you
the longing of these hearts.

{left assistant continues facing altar}

Yea, so be it.
{Celebrant continues very slowly facing altar}

All of our human nature
ponder Christ’s Deed.
Our body yearn
for Christ’s Power
our blood crave
for Christ’s Light.
{celebrant with arms raised}
In your heights of Sun
O Christ look 
upon the sacrifice
of our human nature;
our soul-filled body,
our spirit-enlivened blood.
They be in You
be You in them.

{Right assistant continues facing altar}

From human soul-sacrifice
from human spirit-sacrifice
grow the being-creating fire of love
that holds sway from us to God
that holds sway from person to person.

{left assistant continues facing altar}

Yea, so be it.

{celebrant turns around to assembly}

Christ in you.

{right assistant turns around to assembly}

And may He fill your spirit.        

{celebrant and right assistant turn to face altar}


{left assistant continues facing the altar}

Our thinking radiate
towards You
our feeling long
for You
our willing endeavor
after You
Divine Ground of Worlds.

{right assistant continues facing the altar}

Our destiny be harbored
with You
 our life flow 
in You
 our longing strive
 for You
 Christ, our Helper and Guide.

{celebrant continues facing the altar}

He united Himself,
before going to
His human death
with His own.
He consecrated His Body
the bearer of His Soul
to the Divine Ground of Worlds
He consecrated His Blood
the bearer of His Spirit
to the Light of the Ground of Worlds
and thus He gave Himself over
to His own.
So let in spirit-transformation
our body
our bearer of soul
our blood
our spirit bearer
become His Body
become His Blood.
He spoke:
His Grace let us speak
we want
to give You: 
in the Light 
of Your Sacrifice,
seeking our being
in Your Being.

Christ hold sway
bearing healing
in our soul
imparting power
in our spirit.

{right assistant continues facing altar}

Christ is in us.
His Light shines
His Grace shepherds
His Power weaves all here.

{left assistant continues facing the altar}

The Spirit-God
wield over our thinking
weave in our feeling
work out of our willing.

{celebrant turns around and speaks to assembly}

Christ in you

{right assistant turns around to assembly and responds}

and may He fill your spirit.

{left assistant facing the assembly}

Yea, so be it.

{celebrant and both assistants face altar}


{left assistant continues facing the altar} 

O Christ, You have
in inexhaustible Goodness
in immeasurable Love
in boundless Grace 
granted Peace
to yours --- - ---

{Right assistant continues facing the altar}

so make our spirit
bright filled with light
so make our word
clear filled with thoughts
so make our heart pure and free from sin

{Celebrant continues facing the altar speaking slowly}

Christ in us
His bright, light-filled Spirit
in our spirit

His clear, soul-warm Thoughts
in our soul

His pure, sinfree Heart
in our hearts.

Christ, we receive You 
for the healing of our body
for the healing of our soul
for the healing of our spirit;

{Left assistant continues facing the altar}

Yea, so be it.

{Celebrant and both assistants turn to assembly, right assistant goes to each member of assembly and touches their forehead straight-on with pointing & middle fingers while saying:}

The Spirit of Christ live in you

{each member of assembly responds in turn}

So may I receive the Spirit of Christ.

{Right assistant returns to original place, with celebrant and both assistants facing altar where they all remain standing, during a short musical interlude.} 

{After music, celebrant and two assistants turn to face assembly to conclude the celebration}

Christ in you

{Right assistant facing assembly}

and may He fill your spirit.

{Left assistant facing assembly}

Take this
as the sacrificial deed
of the human soul.

{Right assistant facing assembly}

Yea, so be it.

{Celebrant and both assistants turn to face altar, close ritual books and remain standing for closing music. They all depart altar after music concludes.}


  1. Stijn8:49 AM

    Dear friends,
    Thank you for putting up this excellent post; I wasn’t aware a English text for Steiner’s Offerfeier was available in English, it’s a happy surprise!

    I take the liberty to try and help you to improve this post still. In comparing this text to the German original, I notice that a part of the ritual is missing. It is the largest part of the communion. I show this by bringing in the German original:

    Der linksstehende Helfer, Gesicht zum Opfertisch:

    Ο Christus, Du hast
    In unerschöpflicher Güte
    In unermesslicher Liebe
    In grenzenloser Gnade

    [the English text proper runs until here. There follow a couple of English sentences that are strangely jumbled: they don’t follow the German original anymore, which runs thus:)

    Den Frieden gegeben
    Den Deinigen

    Der rechte Helfer, Gesicht zum Opfertisch, setzt

    So mache unseren Geist
    Hell von Licht erfüllt
    So mache unser Wort
    Rein von Gedanken erfüllt
    So mache unser Herz
    Lauter und sündenrein.

    Der Feiernde, Gesicht zum Opfertisch:

    Christus in uns
    Sein heller, lichterfüllter Geist
    In unsrem Geiste
    Seine reinen, seelewarmen Gedanken
    In unsrer Seele
    Sein lautres, sündenreines Herz
    In unsrem Herzen.
    Christus, wir empfangen Dich
    Zur Gesundung unseres Leibes
    Zur Gesundung unsrer Seele
    Zur Gesundung unsres Geistes.

    Der linksstehende Helfer, Gesicht zum Opfertisch:

    Ja, so sei es.

    Der rechtsstehende Helfer geht zu jedem Gemeindemitgliede,
    berührt mit zwei Fingern dessen Stirn und spricht:

    Christi Geist lebe in dir

    Das Gemeindemitglied erwidert:

    Ich darf empfangen Christi Geist.

    Nach Absolvierung geht der rechtsstehende Helfer an seinen
    Platz zurück (es kann hier Musik eingefügt werden).

    Dann Schluss:

    Der Feiernde, Gesicht zur Gemeinde:

    Christus in euch

    Der rechtsstehende Helfer, Gesicht zur Gemeinde:

    Und deinen Geist erfülle Er.

    Der linksstehende Helfer zur Gemeinde:

    Nehmet hin dies
    Als die opfernde Tat
    der Menschenseele.

    Der rechtsstehende Helfer, zur Gemeinde.

    Ja, so sei es.

    [this concludes the German original]

    I felt I would be remiss if I didn’t point this out. I don’t know whether there exist, in fact, an English translation of this remaining part (communion).

    Kind greetings,

  2. Stijn8:56 AM

    I'd also like to suggest that "Sacrificial Celebration" is a good translation of the German "Opferfeier". 'Sacrificial offering' is a tautology really, and not a correct rendering of the German original. "Opferfeier" renders as 'celebration of (the) offering", or, more succinctly, 'sacrificial celebration'.

  3. Thanks for your interest Stijn. I must have published this, forgetting that it wasn't complete. There was a problem with the cutting and pasting. Hopefully it looks OK now. I have kept the translation as done by James Gillen.

  4. A cultus work in the anthroposophical movement must emerge from the same spiritual stream as the school movement, in a sense a continuation of what was given in form and content in the Sacrifice Celebration.
    -Rudolf Steiner to René Maikowski, GA 269, p. 133
    This action can be held wherever there are people who want it! -Rudolf Steiner, GA 269, S. 125
    Eine kultische Arbeit in der anthroposophischen Bewegung muss aus dem selben geistigen Strom hervorgehen wie die Schulhandlungen, gewissermaßen eine Fortsetzung dessen, was in Form und Inhalt in der Opferfeier gegeben war.
    -Rudolf Steiner zu René Maikowski, GA 269, S. 133
    Diese Handlung kann überall gehalten werden, wo Menschen sind, die sie wünschen!
    Rudolf Steiner, GA 269, S. 125
